Judy Crandall understands the reasons for learning an instrument can be as unique as each individual, and works to meet each student at their current level while creating ways to help them achieve their goals. Judy has varied teaching experience with all ages and abilities. As a multi-faceted musician- teacher, pianist, accompanist, choir director, music director, she has knowledge of the piano from many different perspectives. Judy has served as a music educator in the Maple Heights and the Olmsted Falls City Schools, where she led the middle school and high school choral programs, and is twice past recipient of the Educator of the Year award. Choirs under her direction earned consistent high ratings at district and state level adjudicated events and some groups were invited to represent at state music education conventions. She holds a B.A. in Music Education and Piano Performance, studying with Joan Terr Ronis, and a Masters Degree from the Cleveland State University. Her favorite thing about teaching is sharing the gift of music and watching students surpass their personal best time after time.